Read the latest news and updates from the Biology department.

Despite the fundamental importance of sleep, its function remains controversial. In recent years sleep research has expanded into non-mammalian model systems, with defined behavioral criteria that distinguish sleep from other quiescent states. Using these criteria, we have found that conditions that cause cellular stress can trigger sleep in the nematode C.
Two biology students have been awarded $300 ASP grants for the 2016 Spring semester. Congratulations are in order for the following students and mentors:
Jasmine Chen | Roberta Pollock
Isabelle Yuen | Cheryl Okumura
Alexander Urry has been awarded a Richter-ASP grant for his project Guatemala City, Guatemala, 1/8-21/2016: An Examination of the Effects of Dicton Vitamin A Deficiency and Infant Mortality with project advisor Shana Goffredi. Congratulations Alexander!
Seven additional biology students have been awarded ASP grants for the 2015 Fall semester! Congratulations are in order for the following students and mentors:
Morgan Bennett-Smith | Gary Martin
Madeline Gillman | Gretchen North
Pavel Gladkevich | Joseph Schulz
Tatum Katz | Gretchen North

For centuries, scientists have studied how the environment affects plants. Only recently, with climate change threatening plant communities, have researchers begun to ask how plants affect their environment. My research examines the relationship between plants and their environment.

Urban landscapes are growing quickly: by 2030, and as a result, globally, urbanization has become one of the largest causes for habitat degradation and loss; habitat that remains is dramatically altered with respect to a variety of parameters, including light, noise, temperature, and precipitation regimes. Here I present three sets of studies investigating these impacts on the behav