
Read the latest news and updates from the Biology department.

Image for Travis Longcore: Spatial Insights for Applied Ecol
Travis Longcore: Spatial Insights for Applied Ecology: Found Data, Large-Scale Synthesis, and Mapping

Spatial tools are now ubiquitous in ecological research. In this talk, I present case studies that illustrate some trends emerging as a result of the availability and application of these tools to better understand pattern and process on the landscape.

Image for Heather Watts: Environmental cues and the timing o
Heather Watts: Environmental cues and the timing of annual schedules in birds

Heather Watts is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at Loyola Marymount University. She got her undergraduate degree from Duke and her PhD from Michigan State where she worked with Kay Holekamp on integrative biology of hyenas. Dr.

Image for George Sakoulas: Discovery of Novel Antibiotic Tre
George Sakoulas: Discovery of Novel Antibiotic Treatment Strategies: A Bedside to Bench Approach

Dr. Sakoulas is an active infectious diseases clinician evaluating patients on the inpatient consult service and in outpatient clinics based at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego.  He lectures extensively on topics such as the global implications of methicillin-resistant S.

Image for Eliot Bush: Comparing closely related bacterial ge
Eliot Bush: Comparing closely related bacterial genomes to identify horizontal transfer events

Eliot Bush uses computational methods to study evolution, covering a range of topics from sequence analysis to modeling. He co-developed a novel introductory level course at Harvey Mudd College called CS5 Green that introduces computer science through biology. He is also the author of Computing for Biologists, Python Programming and Principles. One current focus in Dr.

Image for Joel Sachs: Host control over invasion by cheater
Joel Sachs: Host control over invasion by cheater symbionts

Bacterial symbioses are ubiquitous and provide eukaryotes a broad array of resources and services. Yet the benefits that these symbionts deliver to hosts are not automatic or fixed. Bacteria have a tremendous evolutionary advantage over hosts in terms of generation time and population size.

Image for Biology Seminars Fall 2015
Biology Seminars Fall 2015
Person in front of rocks and ocean
Biology Seminar: Julia Mackin-McLaughlin

The Spring 2024 Biology Seminar Series commences with a talk from Julia Mackin-McLaughlin, "Spatial distribution of benthic flora and fauna of costal Placentia Bay, an ecologically and biologically significant area of the Island of Newfoundland, Atlantic Canada." The seminar is on Tuesday, February 13th, at 12:00pm.

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Bioscience Building Room 200