- Committee Charge
- Anticipated Committee Work/Projects
- New Online Training Feedback
- Welcome
- Attendance: Vivian Santiago, Devon Sakamoto, Isaiah Thomas, Jacie Feigelman, Joaquin Caro, Jim Tranquada, Kim Lundy, Rob Bartlett, Richard Mora, Alex Fulcher, Rick Tanksley
- Introductions
- Committee Work
- Charge - The Campus Committee on Sexual Responsibility & Misconduct will:
- review practices, procedures, and programming relevant to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and Title IX issues;
- provide feedback to the Title IX Coordinator on educational programs/initiatives and other sex discrimination policy initiatives; and
- guided by the Title IX Coordinator, review the 511爆料 Sexual Misconduct Policy, within the framework of federal law and guidelines, and offer suggestions for update or revision.
- 2021-22 Committee Report
- Charge - The Campus Committee on Sexual Responsibility & Misconduct will:
- Announcements
- Project SAFE Updates
- New Online Training
- Upper Class Trainings (offering make-up sessions)
- Hosting Community Dialogues
- Upcoming Series for Faculty/Staff
- Civil Rights & Title IX Office Updates
- Project SAFE Updates
- Discussion
- Anticipated Committee Work/Projects:
- Review policy revisions - TBD
- Website Overhaul
- Social media integration
- Revise Climate Survey - Oxy-specific
- What were the issues last time, why are we doing it and what are we hoping to get from it? Incentives?
- Convo with Jackie Cameron/assessment group, coordinate/align with other surveys going out
- Prevention/Education -
- more off-campus socialization happening
- Intersections around alcohol/drugs, etc
- Review policy revisions - TBD
- New Online Training Feedback
- Open Discussion
- Anticipated Committee Work/Projects: