Catch up on the latest news from the Cognitive Science department.

Congratulations to Dr. Aleksandra Sherman for receiving tenure through the 2019-2020 promotion and tenure process at Oxy. Dr. Sherman has been promoted to associate professor, effective in the 2020-2021 academic year.
The Cognitive Science Department was thrilled with the announcement but not surprised, having this to say about her:

Come meet the Cognitive Science Department and learn about classes for spring semester.

December 5, 3-5pm
Lower Herrick
Isabella Capeci: Reassessing the Dictionary Model of the Mental Lexicon
Kyle Costello: Comparing the Intracellular Processes of Neural Pruning
Hannah Q. Glover: Illustrating Mental Illness: Should Mood Disorders Have Personas?

Cognitive Science Honors Candidate, Taylor RobinsonDate: Friday, April 27thTime 12:50-1:20 pmRoom: Johnson 303

If you're interested in cognitive science, join us for info on Fall 2018 courses, delicious food, friendly people, and virtual reality demos. All current and prospective majors and minors are encouraged to attend.

Katherine Stavropoulos' Lecture:Oscillatory Rhythm of Reward: Anticipation and Processing of Rewards in Children With and Without AutismFebruary 22, 2018JSC Morrison, 4:30-6:00 PM

Searching for Hunger and Reward in the Lateral HypothalamusLecture by Professor Kevin UrstadtThursday, November 2, 2017Folower 112 @ 4:45 pm