Come join the History Department for its Senior Comps Presentations!
December 5, 1:30-5:30 pm
JSC Morrison
1:30PM Kevin Grundy: Polish-Jewish Renaissance and Lingering Anti-Semitism: What Has Been Remembered and Forgotten in Post-Soviet Polish Memory
1:45 PM Jack Schofield: The Transition into Democratic Opposition: An Analysis of the 1991 and 1994 Frente Sandinista de Liberaci贸n Nacional Congresses
2:00PM Darby Pak: The Politics of Comfort Women Memorials
2:15 PM Rachel Goodman: Conservative and Popular Front Dramatic Reactions to Nazism
2:30 PM Andrew Clawson: 'The Woman Question': Early 20th Century Perspectives on Women's Role in Academia
2:45 PM Meighann Mahoney: Ku Klux Klan in South Carolina During Reconstruction: The Use of Gender Violence in Electoral Politics and the Re-Emergence of the Klan
3:00 PM Pablo Saleta: Familial Relations in Mexican Immigrant Labor Practices
3:15-3:30PM Coffee Break
3:30 PM Hank Doyle: Tracing Threads of Foreign Flags: Reactionary Solidarity in Northern Ireland
3:45 PM Isabel Schwartzberg: "To People Living With... Not Dying From Disease": Represenations of the AIDS Epidemic in Rent and Angels in America
4:00 PM Caroline Silverstein: 'The Newest Wonder of the World': The New Orleans Superdome and the Making of an Icon
4:15 PM Laura Chun: Time Magazine's Evolving Represenations of the Vietnamese Women: Justification for Involvement in the Vietnam War
Celebration after!