Please join the History Department and the Class of 2021 History majors for senior comps oral presentations.

From Duke University Press (publisher):
“This special issue [of Ethnohistory] reconstructs the integrated roles of real and symbolic birds and their feathers in ancient and colonial Mesoamerican and trans-Atlantic societies.

Forgoing the Franchise: When Voting Endangers Indigenous Sovereignty is the second lecture in a three-part speaker series on Race and Electorates: From Sovereignty to Suffrage in U.S. History.

A Collective Biography of Women and Emancipation in the Americas

Hannah Huang ’21 is the recipient of the 2020 Junior Paper Prize for her HIST 300 essay titled, “Commitment to a Christian Nation and the Ideal Family: Writings on Christianity and Homosexuality in the 1970s American Politics.”

Recasting the Vote: How Women of Color Transformed the Suffrage Movement is the first lecture in a three-part speaker series on Race and Electorates: From Sovereignty to Suffrage in U.S. History.
Our department's commitment to you about how we aim to combat anti-Blackness and promote anti-racism in the classroom and beyond.

Congratulations to Dr. Jane Hong for receiving tenure through the 2019-20 promotion and tenure process at Oxy. Dr. Hong has been promoted to associate professor, effective in the 2020-21 academic year.
The History Department is pleased to announce the following winners of this year's Hardy Prize for Best Senior Thesis:

Join us for a talk by Oxy's own Dr. Erica Ball, Professor of History and Chair of Black Studies, about a collection of essays about race, gender, violence, and power.