Join the Philosophy Department in welcoming Elizabeth Foreman dicsussing "The Ethics of Eating".

Senior Philosophy major Arianna Nord is the recipient of the 2018 Lauter Prize in Philosophy for her essay Feminist Jurisprudence and Intersectional Identity.

Join Us!
The Philosophy Seniors will be presenting their Comps Wednesday, November 29th in Fowler 207 at 3:00-6:00pm

Join the Philosophy Department for a free Spitz lunch and Professor Dylan Sabo's discussion, in 15 minutes, of some important philosophical questions raised by artificial intelligence.

Dr. Sally Haslanger, Ford Professor of Philosophy and Women’s and Gender Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, speaks about her research

Senior Philosophy Major Brad Kawano is the recipient of the 2017 Lauter Prize in Philosophy for his essay.

511±¬ÁÏ’s Philosophy and Religious Studies Departments held a joint meet and greet where students were able to meet other majors/minors and prospective majors/minors. The meeting also included a discussion of the importance of humanities majors and the employability of liberal arts degrees.

The Philosophy department held its first talk in a series entitled "Philosophy in 15," where big ideas are explored in 15 minutes. This talk, given by Department Chair Professor Morrissey, centered around the concept of Truth.

Owen Flanagan, Ph.D., James B. Duke Professor of Philosophy at Duke University, came to speak about the danger of anger