A low-temperature geochemist and paleoclimatologist, Natasha Sekhon's research combines concepts from karst and speleothem sciences to investigate the hydroclimate of terrestrial environments varying on seasonal to millennial time scales.
Her research primarily focuses on understanding mechanisms driving cycles of climate change in terrestrial environments. She is particularly interested in the interplay between hydroclimate extremes, floods and droughts, during the instrumental period (1950s - Present), near-past (Quaternary), and future (circa 2100 CE) landscapes.
Dr. Sekhon's analyses traditional stable isotopes and trace element concentrations of stalagmites from caves as proxies of hydroclimate. The confidence in interpreting the geochemical trends of stalagmites is strengthened by a deeper understanding of the modern cave system. As such, Dr. Sekhon splits her time between lab work and being underground, monitoring physical and chemical parameters of cave systems to better understand the processes that dictate the transfer of a climate signal to a chemical signal.