Oxy Pre-Law and the Hameetman Career Center invite you to hear from
The Honorable John B. Owens from the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Wednesday, November 9th
6-7 p.m.
Choi Auditorium
On December 16, 1919, law clerk Ashton Embry abruptly resigned his cherished position from the Supreme Court. His stated reason? To spend more time on his bakery business. That same morning, newspapers reported that someone had leaked inside information from the Supreme Court to Wall Street speculators and a federal investigation was underway. The investigation into Embry and legal challenges to it went all the way to the Supreme Court, with J. Edgar Hoover and Al Capone making appearances along the way. Judge Owens will tell the long forgotten story of Ashton Embry (which he discovered while clerking for Justice Ginsburg), and answer questions posed by Oxy Pre-Law students. A reception with refreshments will follow on the patio area outside of Choi.