Student Voices is a blog where current students write about various experiences including academics, sports, student groups, study abroad, and other extracurricular activities. Hear what our students have to say!

#ImpeachVeitch. Movement Not A Moment. 67 Grand Meet Our Demands. Signs bearing these slogans and more are plastered against the glass walls of the Arthur G. Coons Administrative building. Tents have been pitched outside and sleeping bags and air mattresses dominate the interior.

This past week I attended an open dance class held by one of Oxy’s dance groups called Hyper Expressions. I have previous experience in ballet, however I had never tried much contemporary or improvisational dance, which was the focus of this week’s session.

My first day of volunteering with Peer Health Exchange did not go as I had planned. Then again, no one can quite predict how ninth grade health classes will go. I remember how hard of a time my ninth grade friends and I gave our sex-ed teacher Mindy. I’m pretty sure she didn’t appreciate the jelly beans flying across the room.

One of the reasons I fell in love with Oxy was because of its emphasis on "community-based learning." My tour guide constantly repeated this phrase, crediting it for her amazing academic experience at Oxy. I, too, frequently talk about it when giving my own tours as a tour guide.

My alarm blasts on at 4:30 am and immediately I know this is going to be a great day. Eyes half-shut, I cram some overnight essentials into my backpack, sling my heavy mesh sack of dive gear onto my back, and trudge out into the pre-dawn with a few of my hallmates.

There are a lot of stereotypes about college that involve food. Some, like the students who drink upwards of six cups of coffee a day or the 2 a.m. bowls of cereal, are completely true.

It is that time of the year again: college application season. Seniors in high schools around the country have made lists of their top schools and have begun the process of crafting essays and answers to "best capture who they are". It can be a stressful time. I remember that process well.

When you think of senior year of high school, a utopic vision of all the fun activities and senior perks seems to mask the hard work that is still left. Yes, senior year is fun, but as many of you have realized, senior year is tough. So, why are the first few months a bit rough? Two words: college applications.

So far everyone who has walked by me in the library has given me a prolonged look of judgement and pity. And to be honest I can’t really blame them. I am writing this blog to you at 4:43 a.m, I am sprawled under a table with four empty coffee cups littered around me, and six minutes ago I was literally banging my head against the floor.

I started out my day thinking that by the end of my marine ecosystems (Bio 260) field trip, I would have an awesome day of fish collecting to write about. That all changed at about 10:30am.