Student Voices is a blog where current students write about various experiences including academics, sports, student groups, study abroad, and other extracurricular activities. Hear what our students have to say!

Hello internet! This is my first time taking a shot at this whole blogging thing, but I’ll do my best. My name is Denzel Tongue and I am a sophomore sociology major and public health minor.

Hello friends, foes, prospective students, and whoever else may be reading this!
This is not my first time around the Oxy student voices blog block but it has been quite some time so allow me to reintroduce myself…

¡Hola! Welcome to "Maddy’s 17th Blog Post". I’ll refrain from making a cheesy joke using the lyrics from "Sixteen Going On Seventeen," but know that it hurts me not to.

This semester has kept me busier than ever. With all the programing going on, coupled with the loads of homework, and on top of that, working on my senior comprehensive project, my scheduled has been packed.

Hey Everyone!
Matthew here, and it is that time of the semester where once again we come to registration. This time is championed by lots of frantic searching for classes and the ever present question, "So, what are you taking next semester?" I wanted to give what I think are 5 important things to remember while registering.
They go like this:

My name is Sarah Tamashiro and I am a senior art history major. I am from Waimalu, Hawaii and originally attended school on the east coast and after finding that it wasn't the place for me, I decided to transfer schools.

Hey everyone, my name is Keane. This is my first time blogging for the Office of Admission, so I’ll start off with some basics. I’m a senior economics major here at Oxy, minoring in education and sociology. On campus, I’m a member of Oxy’s Impact Fund (a microfinance club) and the Vice President of Phi Kappa Psi (one of Oxy’s eight greek organizations).

I took me a while to finally admit this to myself, but I am an indecisive person. If you can relate to this then you can imagine the difficulty I encountered when I had to chose my major. I considered at least 6 different majors before I finally decided I was going to study Urban and Environmental Policy.

Unlike most of my fellow senior classmates, my last assignment was not turned in inside one of the hallowed halls of our now alma mater (whoa, that’s weird to say!). I submitted my final group paper for BIO 370: Tropical Ecology just a few nights ago at the Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation in Bocas del Toro, Panama after eight days of intensive coral reef research.

"Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about." –Winston Churchill