- Camus Climate Surveys
I. Call to order
Ruth Jones called to order the meeting of the Campus Committee on Sexual Responsibility & Misconduct (CCSRM) at 1:00PM on September 19, 2016 in Berkus 243B.
II. Members Attending
The following individuals were present:
Ruth Jones, Jordan Brown, Vivian Garay Santiago, Jacob Alden Sargent, Lani Cupo, Tony Romero, Katelyn Fink, Marianne Frapwell, Elizabeth Wu, Tom Wesley, Heather Lukes, Anne Schell
III. Administrative Matters
A. Committee Member Name & Pronoun Introductions
B. Approval of the minutes
IV. Campus Climate Surveys
A. Staff/Faculty Survey
For the duration of this meeting, the committee discussed suggested edits to the draft Staff/Faculty Climate Survey. When assessing the sex/gender of the survey participant, it was discussed at length as to how we can be most inclusive. OVW uses this question: 1. What is your current gender identity? Female Male Transgender Female Transgender Male Genderqueer/Gender鈥恘onconforming Other (please specify) ________ Another option would be to include this as a "select all that apply" type of question. Other suggestion resources for help for this were Nancy Jean Tubbs from UCR and NASPA/ACPA listserv groups. Ruth will review the HED survey to see how they ask this question, to keep this consistent in both surveys for this year.
Other suggestions were to include Hispanic or Latino (Latino/Latina/Latinx) instead of asking "Are you Hispanic or Latino/a?", to create a fill in the blank option for "other races" and to make sure this a not required question, and to move all of the demographic questions to the end of the survey, as they make evoke a strong reaction and deter individuals from completing the survey. In line with this, it was also suggested we move the riskier questions toward the end of the survey as well (the questions that specifically ask about experiencing unwanted behavior/sexual violence at 511爆料). We have recorded a detailed account of all committee member鈥檚 additional suggestions, and each of these will be reviewed by the Title IX Office and Institutional Research.
Applicable links:
路 Oxy Campus Climate Sexual Assault Survey presentation from September 2015:
o /sites/default/files/assets/HEDS%20Campus%20Climate%20Sexual%20Assault%20Survey%20Results_Comparative_Sept%202015_7_0.pdf
路 2015鈥2016 HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey
路 2017 HEDS Sexual Assault Climate Survey