- Group Reviewed Formal Charge of CCSRM
- Group Discussed Anticipated 2020-21 Projects
- Alex Provided a Department of Education Regulations/Interim Sexual Miscondcut Policy Update
2:00 p.m. Zoom
Call to order: 2:03 p.m.
Welcome and Thank You from President Elam
Introductions/Attendance: Alexandra Fulcher, Andrea Boyle, Avanti Puri, Christopher Arguedas, Elizabeth Braker, Jacalyn Feigelman, James Tranquada, Julie Santos, Junko Anderson, Kim Lundy, Lisa Sousa, Marianne Frapwell, Robert Bartlett, Sara Semal, Tiffany Mendez
Group Reviewed Formal Charge of CCSRM:
review practices, procedures, and programming relevant to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and Title IX issues;
provide feedback to the Title IX Coordinator on educational programs/initiatives and other sex discrimination policy initiatives; and
guided by the Title IX Coordinator, review the 511 Sexual Misconduct Policy, within the framework of federal law and guidelines, and offer suggestions for update or revision.
The CCSRM will present an annual report to President Elam and the campus community by May 1, 2021. The report will include a summary of the year's work, as well as any recommendations made by the committee with respect to existing policies, procedures and practices.
Group Discussed Anticipated 2020-21 Projects:
Spring Climate Survey (solicit student members' input on increasing response rates)
Review Prohibited Relationships with Persons in Authority Policy
Report to President Elam and Campus Community
Adapting to Online Environment
Consider Potential Election Impacts
Alex Provided a Department of Education Regulations/Interim Sexual Misconduct Policy Update:
Revised Interim Sexual Misconduct Policy to comply with Department of Education Regulations, effective August 14th
New Appendix A - Disciplinary Resolution of a Grievance of Title IX Sexual Harassment
Live hearing with cross-examination conducted by advisor
Cannot consider statements unless person “submits” to cross-examination during the hearing
Prohibited conduct is now divided into “Title IX Misconduct” and “Non-Title IX Misconduct”
Title IX: On campus conduct, Off campus in buildings owned or controlled by recognized student or, off campus where college has substantial control over respondent and conduct. Must have occurred in the US on or after August 14, 2020, and the Complainant is participating in or trying to participate in a College program or activity.
Non-Title IX: Outside the US, Outside College’s programs or activities but conduct has nexus to the College
New Appendix D - Adaptable Resolution Procedures
Other changes to the policy to attempt to make it more user-friendly (formatting, reorganizing, etc)
Thoughts: making the changes and the policy more accessible to students - continue conversation about how ICC/Project SAFE/etc can create entry points for discussion and create visibility to students
Group discussed meeting monthly and Alex will schedule and send calendar invites to the group. Group will also be given access to CCSRM shared drive, which will include copies of the Interim Sexual Misconduct Policy, Interim Policy FAQs, and infographics. Alex will also add results of prior climate surveys and statistics to provide a historical context for the group.
Questions/General Discussion
Meeting adjourned: 2:55 p.m.