
  • Project SAFE and OSAC Listening Session Themes
  • Action Plan Next Steps
  • Prevention Education Working Group

October 20, 2021

via Zoom

Call to Order: 10:02 a.m.

  1. Welcome
  2. Attendance: Jim Tranquada, Adelina Lopez, Juno Raphael, Tirzah Blanche, Gillian Northway, Vivian Santiago, Jacie Feigelman, Chris Arguedas, Isaiah Thomas, Rob Bartlett, Rick Tanksley, Andrea Boyle, Alex Fulcher
  3. Update - Project SAFE and OSAC Listening Session Themes
    1. Education that explains the difference between Project SAFE and the Title IX Office
    2. Require education from Project SAFE of all students every year
    3. EverFi training is insufficient and bad
    4. Notion that the College does not take violence prevention seriously
    5. Project SAFE has a positive impact but cannot reach far enough
    6. Responsibiloity is placed on student workers to offer direct support for other students
    7. RAs and Project SAFE PAs should have a direct connection
    8. Need for additional trauma counseling/therapy
      1. Communication regarding there is no session limits for survivors at Emmons
      2. Update provider specialties on the Emmons website
    9. College-sponsored Survivor events and field trips
    10. The attitude of students is frustration, anger, a sense of unsafety, but also hopeful that the College will do more
    11. Expand Project SAFE's physical space to include a lounge where students can come just to hang out
    12. OSAC feedback form - faculty training regarding sexual violence prevention to include specific language to use when a disclosure is made and updated contact information for Title IX Office and Project SAFE
    13. Ongoing education specifically for male-identifying students
  4. New Items
    1. Action Plan Next Steps
      1. Title IX Office Annual Report
        1. Send statistics semester to the community
        2. Possibly draft a review of the last five years about cases and their outcomes
      2. Climate Survey
      3. Prevention Education Working Group
        1. EverFi Replacement Options
        2. Orientation
        3. Annual Calendar of Trainings
      4. Additional Resources for Title IX Office
      5. Addtional Resources for Survivor Advocacy in Project SAFE
  5. Next Meeting
    1. Policy Revision Review
Contact the Civil Rights & Title IX Office
AGC Administrative Center

 First Floor, Room 111