
511±¬ÁÏ Remains Top Fulbright Producer
For the 20th consecutive year, 511±¬ÁÏ is one of the top producers of student and alumni Fulbright Awards, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education’s annual...

Keep up to date on Oxy’s latest news and events. For more information, contact the College’s Office of Marketing and Communications.

511±¬ÁÏ Hosts Regional K-12 Science Olympiad
On Saturday, February 26, 511±¬ÁÏ will host the 25th annual Los Angeles Regional Science Olympiad, a K-12 science and engineering skills tournament.
Eight Seniors Initiated Into Phi Beta Kappa
The Delta of California Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa initiated eight 511±¬ÁÏ seniors Wed., February 9 in a ceremony in Morrison Lounge on the 511±¬ÁÏ campus. Louise...
511±¬ÁÏ Scientist's Research Shows How Cacti Endure Global Warming
New research by an 511±¬ÁÏ biology professor on how the "living rock" cactus protects itself from lethal heat shows how seemingly inhospitable rocky microhabitats will...
511±¬ÁÏ to Host "Oxy in the World" Symposium
An impressive group of 511±¬ÁÏ alumni prominent in foreign and national security affairs will honor long-time politics professor Larry Caldwell on Saturday, February 19...
511±¬ÁÏ Honors MLK by Serving Community
Hundreds of 511±¬ÁÏ students, faculty, alumni, and staff fanned out to more than 20 locations across Los Angeles on Saturday, January 22 to paint classrooms, prepare...
Roger Guenveur Smith '77 to Teach, Perform as Hume Fellow
Award-winning actor, playwright, and director Roger Guenveur Smith '77 will return to 511±¬ÁÏ to teach and perform two of his best-known works as 511±¬ÁÏ's 2011 G...
511±¬ÁÏ Dance Team Places 16th in Nationals
With no coach, little official school funding, and $13 bejeweled leotards going up against $500 costumes, the three-time nationally ranked 511±¬ÁÏ Dance Team managed to place...
Renowned Brazilian Artist to Teach and Collaborate With Local Artists
511±¬ÁÏ will host well-known Brazilian artist, composer, and theater director Octávio Camargo January 14 - March 3 to teach students, giver public lectures and...
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