
A Decade of Sun Days

On March 4, 511±¬ÁÏ’s 1-megawatt solar array turned 10 years old. Since “first light†on March 4, 2013, the array has produced 17.85 gigawatts of electrical energy—12 percent of the College’s usage over the same time period.

Adventures in Research

Jack Griffith ’64 has always been attracted to new frontiers. He grew up on the rim of the Arctic Circle when Alaska was still a territory and started flying bush planes as a teenager. Even now, he still tries to scrape his plane’s wings on the mountainsides when he flies through narrow Alaskan valleys—a dangerous feat in less experienced hands.

Dr. Nosh McTaggart - Black Women in Hollywood Series

Ninochka McTaggart, Ph.D. is a Senior Researcher at the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media and she holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of California, Riverside. She served as guest curator of the exhibit, “Don’t Believe the Hypeâ€: L.A. Asian Americans in Hip Hop at the Chinese American Museum in 2018. Her latest book is “White Privilege: The Persistence of Racial Hierarchy in a Culture of Denial.†

Blyth Fund

The Fund was initially established in 1977 with a gift from Richard Link, and named in honor of legendary banker Charles Blyth. Blyth Funds were also initially created at Stanford and Caltech, but only Stanford's remains active today.

Our Fund is wholly student managed. We choose a 14-person board each spring, study the stock market and maintain a portfolio. We buy and sell as we see fit. Throughout its history, the Blyth Fund has maintained two primary goals:

1. Asset Preservation
2. Education