BIO - Biology
- BIO 103 Topics in Biology
- BIO 105 Marine Biology
- BIO 110 Introductory Biology: Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution
- BIO 130 Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology
- BIO 193 Directed Research
- BIO 197 Independent Study
- BIO 198 Conservation Corps Internship
- BIO 215 Invertebrate Form and Function
- BIO 221 Molecular Biology
- BIO 224 Genetic Analysis
- BIO 226 Cell Biology
- BIO 240 Vertebrate Physiology
- BIO 250 Plant Form and Function
- BIO 260 Biodiversity and Organization of Marine Ecosystems
- BIO 268 Biostatistics
- BIO 270 Ecology
- BIO 275 Flora of Southern California
- BIO 279 Evolutionary Biology
- BIO 280 Evolutionary Biology
- BIO 290 Research Methods in Biology
- BIO 293 Directed Research
- BIO 295 Current Research in Biology
- BIO 297 Independent Study
- BIO 298 Huntington-511爆料 Pre-med Program (HOPP)
- BIO 310 Museum Science
- BIO 320 Developmental Biology
- BIO 322 Principles of Biochemistry
- BIO 323 Histology
- BIO 325 Microbial Diversity
- BIO 326 Molecular Phylogenetics
- BIO 330 Immunology
- BIO 333 Neurobiology
- BIO 336 Microbial Pathogenesis
- BIO 340 Sensory Biology and Neurophysiology
- BIO 344 Invertebrate Morphology and Physiology
- BIO 345 Virology
- BIO 349 Biochemistry I
- BIO 350 Microbial Symbiosis
- BIO 356 The Biology of Marine Fishes
- BIO 360 Avian Biology
- BIO 369 Biological Oceanography
- BIO 370 Field Ecology
- BIO 372 Global Change Biology
- BIO 373 Computational Biology
- BIO 378 Animal Behavior
- BIO 380 Plant Physiological Ecology
- BIO 390 Special Topics in Biology
- BIO 393 Special Topics in Biology
- BIO 395 Research
- BIO 397 Independent Study
- BIO 490 Senior Seminar
- BIO 497 Independent Study
- BIO 499 Honors
- BIO 501 Graduate Research
- BIO 590 Thesis for Master of Arts Degree
- BIO 595 Graduate Seminar
- BIO 597 Independent Study
- BIO 599 Continuing Thesis Research