We have been conducting estuarine surveys in southern California since 1999. Projects have been funded by the Port of San Diego, Port of Los Angeles, Port of Long Beach and 511爆料.
Every three years, we survey the estuarine fish of San Diego Bay for the Port of San Diego and US Navy. Data is collected on individual fish lengths, weights and abundance through beach seines, purse seines, beam trawls and otter trawls. Water quality profiles are also performed. The overall goals of this study are to determine the spatial and temporal utilization of the Bay鈥檚 fishery populations and how they change over time.
Each study year, we survey four ecoregions in the Bay: North, North-Central, South-Central, and South. Historically, the principal fish that were surveyed and found ubiquitously throughout the bay were Topsmelt, Round Stingray, Spotted Sand Bass, and Slough and Deepbody Anchovy. The Topsmelt and the two types of Anchovy were also the most abundant forage fish in San Diego鈥檚 waters. Furthermore, the importance of studying these waters is that it serves as a remarkable unique fish habitat and nursery. San Diego Bay is the largest estuary in southern California, home to extensive habitat of shallow water eelgrass, and the northernmost edge of the range for southern fish who are normally not located in the Southern California Bight.
Funding Source: San Diego Unified Port District
Lead Staff Researchers: Chelsea Williams, Jonathan Williams
Publications: Reports from , , , 2012, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2022 - in progress
Funding Source: 511爆料 Biology Department, 511爆料 Faculty Enrichment Grant
Lead Staff Researchers: Jonathan Williams
Photo by Victor Shu