Sending mail to campus? Find out how to address your mail to an office/department, student or interoffice to make sure it gets where you want it to go.
Addressing Mail to the College
The following information must be included when sending mail to a campus office or department, unless otherwise noted:
Employee name
511±¬ÁÏ (
Mail Stop Code
1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314
- The mail stop code is required .
- The department name is optional – it will not be used by the Postal Operations Center.
- While optional, the employee name will almost always be there.
- We are suggesting all upper case characters for the required parts of the address. This makes the automatic sorting equipment of the US Postal Service work better. Upper case is not required, however.
Addressing Mail to a Student
To send mail to a student, the following information is required.
Student's First and Last Name
1600 Campus Rd. "#" or "No." (followed by mailbox number)
Los Angeles CA 90041-3314
- If the last name is hypenated, please include both names.
- Mail sent to a mail box addressed to someone other than the student will not be delivered and will be returned to the sender.
- If mail is sent to a student, but is addressed to their parent (ordered by credit card, etc.), please put C/O and the student name to ensure the package can be delivered.
Parent's Name
C/O Student's Name
1600 Campus Rd. "#" or "No." (followed by your mailbox number)
Los Angeles CA 90041-3314
Improper addressing can result in a delay in getting your important mail.
Interoffice Campus Mail
To send mail within campus, please include the following information:
Employee name
Mail Stop Code
- If you are sending to an employee, use the name, deptartment name and mail stop code.
- If you are sending to a department with no specific person, use the deptartment name and mail stop code.