Leela Cullity (DWA), Reyan Nguy (MAC), Truman Urness (MAC) |
Kathmandu, Nepal |
Camera Rolling: A Video Anthology from Young Women in Nepal Voices of Women Media and 511爆料 |
Vivian Lin |
Margaret Schaffzin (biology), Alyssa Player (biology) |
Discovery Bay, Jamaica |
Recruitment patterns of coral reef organisms in Discovery Bay |
Amber Stubler |
Espinoza Hernandez (biology), Graham Luethe (biology), Katherine Vyhnal (biology) |
Sarapiqui, Costa Rica |
"Trail survey and replacement of missing or damaged markers," "Arboretum Census - maintaining 35 years of data," "Survey and Removal of Invasive Species," "ALAS - contributing to and maintaining the entomological collection" |
Alexandria Pivovaroff |
Aidan Jackivicz (biology), Lucy Krause (UEP), Abigail Pickar (biology) |
Sarapiqui, Costa Rica |
"ARABICA - are Rubiaceae able to respond to increasing environmental change? Understanding Rubiaceae light, carbon dioxide, and vapor pressure deficit limits" |
Alexandria Pivovaroff |
Malena Lacque (biology) |
Sarapiqui, Costa Rica |
"Arboretum Census - maintaining 35 years of data," "Survey and Removal of Invasive Species," "ALAS - contributing to and maintaining the entomological collection" |
Alexandria Pivovaroff |