
Richter students posing as a group in Costa Rica with an ant mural on the wall behind them

The Paul K. and Evalyn E. Cook Richter Trust generously funds summer research virtually anywhere in the world, across all disciplines.

In summer/winter of 2024, we honored study abroad students who demonstrated independence, initiative, creativity and scholarship in a demanding international setting. These attributes are consistent with the principles of 511爆料's Richter Scholars program and have earned them a place in the ranks of exceptional Tigers dating back to the 1960's. 

2024 Research Abroad Scholars

Student Participants Country Research Project Faculty Supervisor
Leela Cullity (DWA), Reyan Nguy (MAC), Truman Urness (MAC) Kathmandu, Nepal Camera Rolling: A Video Anthology from Young Women in Nepal Voices of Women Media and 511爆料 Vivian Lin
Margaret Schaffzin (biology), Alyssa Player (biology) Discovery Bay, Jamaica Recruitment patterns of coral reef organisms in Discovery Bay Amber Stubler
Christopher Espinoza Hernandez (biology), Graham Luethe (biology), Katherine Vyhnal (biology) Sarapiqui, Costa Rica "Trail survey and replacement of missing or damaged markers," "Arboretum Census - maintaining 35 years of data," "Survey and Removal of Invasive Species," "ALAS - contributing to and maintaining the entomological collection" Alexandria Pivovaroff
Aidan Jackivicz (biology), Lucy Krause (UEP), Abigail Pickar (biology) Sarapiqui, Costa Rica "ARABICA - are Rubiaceae able to respond to increasing environmental change? Understanding Rubiaceae light, carbon dioxide, and vapor pressure deficit limits" Alexandria Pivovaroff
Malena Lacque (biology) Sarapiqui, Costa Rica "Arboretum Census - maintaining 35 years of data," "Survey and Removal of Invasive Species," "ALAS - contributing to and maintaining the entomological collection" Alexandria Pivovaroff
Contact International Programs
McKinnon Center for Global Affairs, Johnson 102