Are you interested in going abroad and curious about the process? See below for answers to the frequently asked questions.
Choosing a Program
Why are certain programs on the approved list?
Following College policy for program affiliation and in accordance with the Forum on Education Abroad's Standards of Good Practice, Oxy partners with reputable, high-quality institutions and organizations. They must "fit" our curriculum, academic standards, expectations for student services and health and safety criteria. IPO staff and/or Oxy faculty have visited many of the programs to directly observe their operations.
How do I know what program is right for me?
An IPO advisor and your major professors will assist you in considering your language competency, prerequisites, program themes and formats, and other considerations. Sometimes students are surprised to learn of the "perfect" program they didn't even consider. Be open.
How can I be sure my program or country will respect my identity intersectionalities, ability-difference or special medical needs?
An IPO advisor will confidentially listen with the goal of supporting you in the best program fit. The more open you choose to be, the more we can assist.
What if I want to attend a program that is not on the approved list?
Go for SUMMER and transfer the credit! For semesters, 511爆料 faculty set the curriculum of the College so students may not transfer credit and may not use financial aid for non-affiliated semester programs.
What about two semesters abroad?
Occasionally, students with exceptional scholarly purpose and no academic barriers may be considered for an additional semester abroad only after all other eligible students have had the opportunity.
Can I take a leave of absence and go abroad?
This is not recommended since you will not be able to obtain Oxy credits and letter grades. Also your financial aid will not apply.
Your Application
Is a semester abroad guaranteed?
Semester abroad is for students with exceptional scholarly purpose and preparation. About 80-85 students earn the privilege each semester. Participation is not guaranteed.
Which majors require study abroad?
None. Study abroad is not a requirement for any major or to complete an Oxy degree.
Should I start my program application (ex. CIEE, IES, SIT, universities abroad, etc)?
IPO will let you know when to start your program application, usually soon after IPO acceptance.
What are the essay prompts? How many do I have to write?
You will be asked to write three essays. Take a glimpse at the , which are in the semester abroad application
How many recommendations do I need? Who do I ask?
In your online application, you will have to request 2 recommendations from your professors online. One of your recommenders must teach in your major.
How should I approach my professors to write my recommendations?
We suggest you visit your professor in person first (if possible) and explain what your goal is. Also it is helpful to send a copy of your essays you wrote for online application to your recommender. Please note that professors are busy, and it is highly recommended that you inform them beforehand.
Do I have to ask my recommenders to write additional letters for my provider application?
Except for Budapest Semesters in Math, IPO will send received letters to your provider. You do not need to ask your recommenders to write additional letters.
How do I submit transcript for my provider's application?
Request an official transcript from the Registrar's office to upload into the provider portal, if required. Some programs only require a pdf from My Oxy. Double check with IPO or your program.
Submission and Post-Application
When do I find out about IPO approval?
It usually takes 6-8 weeks for IPO to notify the students.
What happens after I am accepted?
You will be notified to attend a brief meeting to go over the next steps, as well as the mandatory orientation.
For any further question, please email us or call 323-259-2533.